So this is my first post in here, I’m quite excited :D

This is just an introductory post where I will explain a little bit more what is this and the purpose of it.

What is this about?

The goal of this blog is to have my own space where I can write about anything I’d like to share in the moment that could be useful for someone else (And for my future self!).

It will be mainly focused in programming and software development, but I don’t want to constrain myself to just that so let’s see where all of this goes.

Also you can notice how my goal is not to make this a space to sell myself as a developer.

My main purpose is to enjoy the process, to have fun while building this website and writing posts and most important to feel comfortable and represented by what I build.

A few more notes

The fact that the website is pixel art themed and contains purple-ish colors is merely because I love pixel art and because that’s my favourite color :)

The color palette comes from the same theme I use in my Neovim setup. It was developed by craftzdog, I am a big fan of his work. Go check out his Youtube channel!

The whole website was built using Astro. I’ve had a blast of a time with this framework, it is definitely the right tool if you are looking to build a blog!

And that’s it for today folks, I hope to be here soon with new content!

One thing I can already tell is that there will be a lot of content related to Rust programming 🦀.

Stay tuned!